Events & Seminars

The SEFA Board realizes it can be hard to find the local training when you need it, so they have developed an extremely generous Scholarship Program affording members the opportunity to go to the DLI Resident Courses or even have instructors into your plant for individual training.
SEFA has set aside up to $9000 a year in funds for Members to attend DLI Schools. The funds are available in increments of $1,000/week of training and is capped at $3,000/plant over a course of 3 years.
At the recent SDLS show, SEFA announced a grant program that would allow for members to apply for a reimbursement for having private, in-plant training done at member plants. The grant allows for a reimbursement of $300/day -- up to a $600 cap over a three year period. The Board set aside up to $10,000 per year to fund the effort.
SEFA Makes Education Top Priority
The SEFA Board has made Education and training a priority in 2019, and are currently developing their 2019 Education Schedule.
“Education is one of the most important benefits we can provide”, stated Peter Blake, SEFA Executive Director. “We are looking ahead and formulating a schedule to reach out to all parts of our region and will have at least one program in every state. This is your chance to request programming in your area. We want to hear from the membership. Contact me with any programs, speakers, or topics you want us to explore. Your voice is needed to schedule the most effective program.”
SEFA is looking to hold technical training programs for Spotting, Pressing, and Wetcleaning. We will also be focussing on Management topics with another Management BootCamp program and a Route Development Program.
“We are also focussing on some new workshops,” offered Blake,” on marketing and driving revenue. The Board is developing a list of speakers and topics for the potential future programs, but are still open to suggestions from the membership.”
SEFA is committed to education and they have demonstrated that commitment by setting aside $8,000 in scholarship money for DLI Schools. Scholarship applications are available by contacting the Association at 877-707-7332 for more information or click on the links below.